

Deed Restrictions
Frequently Askes Questions

The quick and dirty is; No.

The NCA is not an HOA, but a civic association. We do not have legal interest in any property within the Northdale Community and do not have any say over estoppels or other HOA related issues/items.

Reach out to Merit at

Check out the Community Map page! The map specifies the communities covered by the Northdale Deed restrictions and the villages that are part of the Northdale Community as a whole. We do have several villages and adjacent communities that do not fall under the deed restrictions of the Northdale community, but may have their own restrictions or HOAs separate from the NCA.

Deed restrictions are legal binding regulations that are placed into the deed of a property that restrict the things a homeowner can and can’t do with their property. They help to ensure that Northdale remains a desirable, attractive, well-maintained community that homeowners are proud to call home.

The enforcement of deed restrictions is a multi-step process. When a violation(s) is found, Merit sends letter #1 to the homeowner requesting them to correct the problem(s). Merit will then complete a second inspection. Merit will send the homeowner letter #2 if the violation(s) has not been corrected. Merit will then complete a third inspection. If the violation(s) remains after letter #3, legal action will be pursued. The resident will be notified of this step in the fourth letter.


Each homeowner has the right to enforce compliance to the deed restrictions from other fellow homeowners.

Read the letter carefully. You may not know you violated a deed restriction. It is usually something quite simple that can easily be rectified. For clarification, refer to the deed restriction documents for your village.


If you are still not sure what issue the letter is addressing; need additional time to fix the problem; or have extenuating circumstances which prevent taking action to correct the violation; it is important to communicate with Merit at

Merit conducts periodic property inspections, documents deed restriction violations and will act on their findings when needed. Residents can request an investigation of a deed restriction violation(s). To file a complaint, use the Complaint Form provided HERE. The form will be received by Merit at

Membership Application

The Northdale Civic Association IS all Northdale neighbors, and all neighborhood residents can join by simply filling out the Membership Application and sending in the small membership fee to the address below. If you’d like to do more, there are many volunteer opportunities available. Remember, no one else cares about our neighborhood the way we neighbors do!

NCA membership runs from January 1st to December 31st. Annual membership is $50. Applications are available by clicking HERE. Checks should be payable to NCA and mailed to NCA Membership, 3853 Northdale Blvd. #374, Tampa, FL 33624.

For your added convenience, the NCA has made on-line payments available. To pay your annual fee with a credit or debit card through PayPal, click the “Pay Now” button.

NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to pay your Association Fees with a debit or credit card.

If you are unfamiliar with this process and would like a brief tutorial, click HERE.